Global Settings

Global Account

The global account is designed as a simple way to set a master Active Directory user account for accessing all Microsoft data sources that require an Active Directory account for authentication. This setting has no impact on other parts of the application.

  • Provide the account id in the format "domain \ username" together with the matching password.
  • When creating a Microsoft data source (OLAP, Tabular), check the box "Use global account settings" to use the account credentials.

OAuth Settings

Global OAuth settings will be used in conjunction with those connections that rely on OAuth authentication and is designed as a simple way to set a shared application for accessing those data sources.

  • Redirect URL A required URL for Azure redirection. The field should be populated with the default page if there is no required user defined value.

  • JSON Web Keys URI: The location of the Azure JSON Web Keys Set

  • OAuth Token Endpoint: Azure string used by Pyramid to get an access token or a refresh token

  • OAuth Authentication Endpoint:Azure string used by Pyramid to get an access token or a refresh token

When creating an SSO environment between Azure and Snowflake, select Global Settings from the drop down on the Snowflake data connection card to use these credentials. they wil apply for all users.


This option is to instruct the engine how to style the effective user name for Microsoft OLAP and Tabular connections. The default is "UPN" mode ( NetBios switches this to domain\user.

Kerberos Keytab Configuration File

A KRB5 configuration file is required to use Kerberos Keytab server-to-server authentication for Teradata and SAP HANA. It needs to be uploaded in this panel. For more details on using Keytabs click here.